Western-most range edge

ID: 166

Class: Geographical


Western-most edge of a species range given as longitude, typically calculated from shapefiles. May also include one-off published observations. Not to be confused with western-most longitude relative to Greenwich. The value that results in the greatest range extent is used when species have been synonymized.



Editor: Sally Keith (contact)


Acanthastrea brevis

Acanthastrea echinata

Acanthastrea hemprichi

Acanthastrea ishigakiensis

Acanthastrea regularis

Acanthastrea rotundoflora

Acanthastrea subechinata

Acropora abrolhosensis

Acropora abrotanoides

Acropora aculeus

Acropora acuminata

Acropora akajimensis

Acropora anthocercis

Acropora appressa

Acropora arabensis

Acropora aspera

Acropora austera

Acropora awi

Acropora azurea

Acropora batunai

Acropora bifurcata

Acropora branchi

Acropora bushyensis

Acropora cardenae

Acropora carduus