Type of growth

ID: 627

Class: Morphological


The type of growth of coral species in terms of the main way of space occupation and branching (i.e., erect branched, erect unbranched, massive, horizontal unbranched, horizontal branched and/or solitary/pseudo-solitary). Categories were defined by K.E., Fabricius and D. Gómez-Gras



Editor: Katharina Fabricius (contact)


Abyssoprimnoa gemina

Acanella africana

Acanella arbuscula

Acanella aurelia

Acanella chiliensis

Acanella dispar

Acanella furcata

Acanella gregori

Acanella microspiculata

Acanella rigida

Acanella robusta

Acanella scarletae

Acanella verticillata

Acanella weberi